NEW YORK FASHION Week is currently underway, and yesterday Kanye West unveiled his newest collaboration with Adidas.
As with his previous collections, the whole thing had a very Derelicte vibe – and for Irish people, it called to mind certain situations:
With this in mind, we appraised the collection…
Look 1: “Jesus, it’s freezing. Has the heating been on at all?”
No, obviously. But take off that heavy coat anyway. You won’t get the benefit!
Look 2: Going down the shops hungover in search of a roll
“Jesus, I hope nobody sees me.”
Look 3: When you forgot your tracksuit bottoms for PE so they dug out a pair from lost and found
“But miss, they SMELL.”
“Well play in your underpants then. Suit yourself.”
*hurriedly puts on manky bottoms*
Look 4: You, playing outside in the estate circa 1993
You just got that tracksuit for your birthday and thought you were the BEE’S KNEES.
Look 5: When you have to go out to get the washing off the line so you thrown on your mam’s old fleece
It’s probably as old as you are, bless.
Look 6: Your actual da
He loves that old shirt, so he does. And the jeans, sure does he care if they ‘go’? He’s comfortable!
Look 7: And when the Tesco delivery man rings the doorbell but you’re only out of the shower so you just grab something
Feel free to consult us for ideas in the future, Ye. We have plenty of experiences that might provide inspiration.